Monday, December 29, 2008

Emilys First Bottle

Aunt Jodie gave Emily her first bottle and she did great! Emily had no problem taking the bottle! Even Unlce Jimmy held Emily!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Christmas Outfit

This is the cutest Christmas picture!

Touch Down!

Emily likes to sleep with her arms up when she is in a deep sleep so we say "touch down" (sorry its sideways)!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Emily gets to celebrate lots of holidays this month, her birthday, Hanukkah, and Christmas, can you say spoiled! Emily was held so much! She had a great time here are some pictures to share!

Our first family picture!

Great grandma and Emily!

Grandpa and Emily!

Someone was out of control with the pictures, yes this is a poster of Emily!
This was the bassinet that Kevin slept in as a baby!
Em with Grandma and Grandpa Spink!

Aunt Katie!

Uncle Abril!

Uncle Adam!

Look at my feet!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Birthday Girls

Me and my good friend Leah were both due in December, she was due December 17th and I was due December 9th, during the entire pregnancy we talked about our girls being born on the same day, cause that would only be fair! :)
Well we ended up having our girls on the same day, here is Allison Michelle Whipple, born December 5, 2008 at 9:37pm! This just shows they are going to be the best of friends forever!

Im Naked!

Auntie Stephanie came to visit me and Emily and was very helpful! Stephanie helped me give Emily a bath here are some pictures and a video too! Isn't she cute naked! :)

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Stocking

We bought Christmas stockings this year with our names on them! Well Auntie Katie thought it would be fun to put Emily in the stocking and take pictures! However Emily was not as excited about it!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Pictures with Mommy & Daddy

Since I am stuck at home we don't have too many exciting pictures but here are some with Mommy and Daddy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Days at Home

The first few days have been very interesting! Kevin and I are learning a lot! Oh and Kevin is doing a GREAT job taking care of both Emily and me! Last night was the first night I actually got more then just a few hours of sleep, that was very exciting! Emily is doing great she eats, poop, then sleeps and then does that again and again! :) Yesterday she got her first bath we video taped it, I will try and post it later! This morning we are going to her first Dr. appointment, lets hope we can make it on time! Here are a few more pictures of Emily!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Emily Marie Spink

Emily Marie Spink
Born December 5, 2008 at 4:11am
7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long!

She loves her daddy already!

After being in labor for about 18 hours and and pushing for a little over an hour, they realized that she was "sunny side up" or face up so they decided it would be best to do a C- section! So thats what we did!

I have a million pictures so here are a few, I will post more later, they are all so cute I cant decide which ones to put up!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

She will be here soon!!!

I just got back from the Dr and she decided it was time to induce me after my increase in swelling and increase in blood pressure! So tomorrow December 4th at 7am I am going to be induced! Baby Spink will be here before you know it!

39 Weeks Pregnant

Can you believe it has almost been 40 weeks! I know Kevin and I can, we are both really excited about our little girl coming into this world! I go to the Dr. this morning, so I am hoping for some good news and lots of progress! I am really anxious for her to get here! I think she has decided its warm and comfy where she is and she doesn't want to budge, but I told her I have lots of really warm and cute clothes for her! A bribe never hurt! Wish me luck!

Oh, I finally got the pictures back from the Sacramento baby shower, here are a few!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Less then 2 Weeks!

I am now due in less then two weeks , Kevin and I are very anxious and excited for it to happen! I went to the Dr today and found out I am 2cm dilated and 80% effaced! The Dr. estimated that Baby Spink is still about 8lbs so larger then the norm but not huge! So lets all hope she will come into this world sooner then later, this weekend is looking good! :)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby Spink Has Dropped

Me at 35 weeks!
Me at 37 weeks!
Can you tell that Baby Spink has dropped?? At 35 weeks you can see she is much higher then she is at 37 weeks!

37 Weeks Prego

I am now 37 weeks pregnant! I went to the Dr. today and he said I have started to dilate, he also said her head is down and she is in the right spot! So we are just waiting for her arrival! I am hoping sooner then later cause I am tired of being swollen and uncomfortable! Lets just hope she is on time! December 9th is just around the corner!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

4 Weeks left!

4 weeks left or to be more exact 27 days until Baby Spink should be arriving, but who is counting! I went to the Dr. on Tuesday and everything is going great!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Family Baby Shower

My family gave me a wonderful baby shower here are some pictures!
Me and Aunt Kerry!
Me and Aunt Donna!

Me, Kaylen and "Grandma"

Kaylen and I!

Lots of gifts for Baby Spink!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beautiful Picture

I thought this was really cute and really wanted to share it with all of you! If you cant read what it says....My precious little baby, I have loved you from the start. You are a tiny miracle, laying closely to my heart. Each day I feel your presence, each day you quickly grow, each day your heart beats softly as I could only know. So, Ill keep this in a special place and remember each year through, of this special time in my life, in the months I carried you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sacramento Baby Shower

Here are some pics from the Sacramento baby shower!
Thank you for giving me such a wonderful shower!

The family!

Deanna (22 weeks prego), and I (32 weeks prego)

Me and Grandma!

HA HA the girls with there faces in diapers!