Saturday, May 24, 2008


I have not posted anything new lately so I decided too! I am almost 12 weeks pregnant and very happy to be coming to an end of the first trimester!
June 2 is the next Dr. appointment and Auntie Gabbi will be coming with me! I am so excited to hear the heart beat again! I will keep you posted on any new information.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

On Mother's Day we went to my aunt Kerry's house, Kevin and I were surprised with a rocking horse that was my dads when he was a baby! My aunt Mari painted it and made it look nice for Baby Spink! We cant wait for the baby to use it!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

First Picture

Here is Baby Spink's first picture! Am I a boy or a girl??

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our First Dr. Appointment

Kevin and I went to our first Dr. appointment on Monday! We got to see the baby's heart beating. We also got to take home our baby's first pictures (which I hope to post soon)...Everything went well and the baby is due December 9, 2008!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

We are having a baby!

Kevin and I found out we were pregnant 4 weeks ago! I am now about to be 9 weeks! On May 5, 2008 we are going to see the Dr. and will hopefully hear the heartbeat and find out when Baby Spink will arrive! We are very excited!