Monday, June 2, 2008

2nd Dr. Appointment

Today I went to my 2nd Dr. appointment with Aunt Gabbi! We got to listen to the heart beat and we even heard a kick! The doctor said everything is fine and that I can make an appointment to find out the sex of the baby, but not until after July 22! I cant wait to find out what it is, what do you think it is??


The Whipple Family: said...

YEAH! I love hearing the heartbeat. I think that you are going to have a girl!

grammaspink said...

wow 12 weeks already. I remember Kevins first heartbeat..and he was a kicker a whole football game going on in there!

Teacher Katie said...

mom said she thinks you're having a boy...can't wait to find out!

simmerdown said...

A girl, of course. And you're going to name her Heather Marie. Yeah, it sounds good, "Heather Marie Spink."