Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's a Girl!!

Its official, it's a girl! Kevin and I are really excited! We got to see the baby in every possible angle today! We saw almost all of her organs, her heart, spine, and even her kidneys. The tech told us that everything looked good, and that we have nothing to worry about! She moved so much that the tech had a hard time measuring her...funny since I have not felt her move yet! We are really excited and cant wait until December! Can you tell what the arrow is pointing at?? :)


Gabrielle said...

I can guess what it is pointing at...however, I dont really see it. Guess I will see it in about four and a half more months!!! I'm so excited to have a niece!!

The Whipple Family: said...

YEAH!!! How fun! We are having girls together!!!! They HAVE to be best friends!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!...JT