Wednesday, December 3, 2008

39 Weeks Pregnant

Can you believe it has almost been 40 weeks! I know Kevin and I can, we are both really excited about our little girl coming into this world! I go to the Dr. this morning, so I am hoping for some good news and lots of progress! I am really anxious for her to get here! I think she has decided its warm and comfy where she is and she doesn't want to budge, but I told her I have lots of really warm and cute clothes for her! A bribe never hurt! Wish me luck!

Oh, I finally got the pictures back from the Sacramento baby shower, here are a few!


Gabrielle said...

You need a better bribe than that! Get her out already!!! =)

Team Truitt said...

I love the pic with all of us in it! I want a copy!