Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 year check up

We went to Emilys 1 year well visit. She is doing great!
30 1/2 inches
22.75 lbs
Emily had to get 4 shots today and she was not happy, but she did get her 2nd H1N1, I am happy she is vaccinated. Emily does not like the Dr's office and cried most of the time, poor thing! But she loves Dr Ward and shows off all of her skills, by waving and clapping!
We are trying to transition Em to a sippy cup and get rid of her bottles, we also plan to stop formula completely and give whole milk only, she is not a baby anymore!
Emily talks a lot but "real" words she says da da, and bye bye as she waves. She loves to copy sounds that we make too.
Emily can point at things, wave and loves to clap. She loves to make all kinds of sounds with her mouth and hands, like bah bah bah. She has mastered picking up objects with her thumb and forefinger. She started to to roll a ball from herself to another person. She also takes several steps alone, but not walking yet.
More and more Emily develops her personality, it is so much fun; except when she is having a tantrum because she is not getting what she wants :). Emily continues to amaze us with everything she is learning and how fast she is growing. We look forward to seeing her develop into a big girl!

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